Neuroanaesthesia Symposium 2025
Excellence Through Synergy

16-18 May 2025 Sabah International Convention Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Congress is accredited with 20 CPD points (CPDE47313)

The Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of free communication abstracts which can be presented in either of the following formats:

Abstract submissions for either Oral or Poster presentations is made online here.

The deadline for the submission is 15th March 2025.

Abstracts are to be submitted in English and should be no longer than 300 words.

The format of the abstracts should have the following headings: Title, Researchers (principal investigator’s name must be underlined), Institution, Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. This format is exempted in the abstracts for case reports.

Submission of abstracts must be accompanied by the registration and the payment of fees for the main Congress. Refund of registration fees, in accordance to the cancellation policy of the Congress, can be made only if the abstracts have been rejected by the Scientific Committee and a refund is sought.